Friday, August 31, 2012

Paradise island

Once upon a time there was a beautiful island in Oceania. People living on the island were living out of the fish in the sea, and there was plenty of it. People were happy.
The island itself was originated from an underwater volcano and a coral reef on top of it, and was rich with minerals. But the inhabitants of the island did not care about such things. Until something happened.

The world changed. The paradise island was no longer isolated. The men that arrived from outside world said that they would very much like to have some of the grey rock that lied here and there all over the island. Why not? It's just rock. The people on the island were not planning any particular use for the rock, so the visitors could as well have it if they so much wanted. But there is more. The people promised to even pay money for it, and money is something that the people on the island were not yet familiar with, but they had heard that it is something worth having.

Machines came. Mining started. The foreigners built a harbour for transporting the mineral, phosphate they called it, and of course people on the island started getting money. Life changed. Suddenly fishing was no longer enough. There were more important things to do, because it was possible.

Time passed. The villages turned into towns. Roads were built. And now that the people had roads, they could buy cars. And they did. Driving their cars around the small island from village to village become their primary hobby. The people consumed more gas per person than anywhere else in the world. Radio, TV, air conditioning, all the things that a modern family needs. All imported. Nobody was fishing anymore, why should you when you can buy imported fish.

The middle parts of the island were already badly scarred, and the machines were approaching the shores of the island, where people lived. But as people had adopted a consuming lifestyle, they were depending on the income from the mineral. There was no way to stop. But the thing that came across nobody's mind was that the mineral in the island would not last forever.

Now this is all starting to sound so depressing. There are too many sad stories. Let's see if we can do a happy ending, fairy tale style. It's more fun that way.

The king of the island stopped his car. He had been driving his Cadillac three times around the island that day, and he was bored. Driving inland was not popular, only foreigners did that, islanders only drove on the coast. But this day, the kind decided to drive inland. What he saw shocked him, as he realized his beautiful island is deserted, and if this is allowed to continue, they will not have a place to stay.

That evening the king appeared on the paradise island local TV station, as he knew that everybody would be watching TV anyway. He told what is happening, and what will happen soon. And he made a proposal: let's get our island back! People cheered in their homes.

Next day the people on the island started collected all the money they could get. After selling all the cars, TV's and other goods, there was some. And lead by their king, they marched to confront the executive of the multinational mining corporation. They said they wish to buy the corporation out.

Time passed. It took years to bring back the soil, but today the islanders are experts in planting forest. The trees are growing back. And the people enjoy fishing again.

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